Product licensing

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Technical requirements

  • AxelRTLicense executable
    • After the required commercial agreement, you should receive from Axel the AxelRTLicense executable. It must be used on a Windows PC that is connected to Internet and can reach Axel servers.
  • To activate product licenses trough the product key mode, the runtime must satisfy this requirements:
    • If the runtime is embedded, the firmware has to provide some reserved parameters that are used to read the license status, the hardware id and write the license key.
    • Otherwise the runtime must have an updated running web server that provides some apposite APIs.

Product Licensing

You can license products in two different ways: the semi-automatic login mode or trough a software product key.

Semi-automatic mode

After the required commercial agreement, you should receive from Axel S.r.l.:

  1. username
  2. password
  3. AxelRTLicense executable (always a Windows .EXE)
  4. AxelRTLicenseClient executable (depending on your target architecture)

To enable semi-automatic online registration you should:

  • execute it with "AxelRTLicense.exe -listen USERNAME PASSWORD". This will launch it in server mode with your assigned user and password, waiting for license activation requests
  • put the AxelRTLicenseClient executable together with the LLExec instance to activate, in the same folder of LLExec binaries
  • execute it with "AxelRTLicenseClient IP_ADDRESS -product PRODUCT" where IP_ADDRESS is the one of the PC running AxelRTLicense.exe

PRODUCT is the product you want to register, usually can be LLExec or EtherCAT, wrote it case sensitive (default is LLExec). e.g.

AxelRTLicenseClient -product LLExec

If your target has EtherCAT you must run the command twice:

AxelRTLicenseClient -product LLExec
AxelRTLicenseClient -product EtherCAT
  • AxelRTLicenseClient will read the HardwareKey, send it to AxelRTLicense, that will send it to our server; it will receive back the LLExec.key license that will be saved together with LLExec
  • AxelRTLicenseClient will return an exit code of 0=ok 1=error

Product key mode

Axel S.r.l. has developed an alternative licensing system to make the activation of product easier for end users.

The product key mode supports three types of activations:

  • Online activation
  • Offline activation
  • Recovery of previously registered license

Each one is explained in the following sections.

After opening LogicLab and clicking on the root of the tree view (1), if the target is connected the license should be read automatically. Otherwise you can refresh the status of the license manually (2).

A list of products and their license status will be populated at the beginning of the page.


Online mode

An active internet connection is required for this.

You can activate your runtime by entering the product key provided by Axel and pressing the "Activate" button (3).

LogicLab will contact Axel's servers to check if the entered key is valid and to get the license key. If the activation is successfull, LogicLab will tell the user to reboot the target.

Offline mode

The offline mode is hidden by default but you can show it uncecking the "Online" toggle switch (4).

After entering the product key, you can export an activation file (5) that has to be sent to Axel will complete the received file with licensing informations and send it back to the customer.

Once you have received a valid license file for the activation, you have to select it manually using the apposite button or drag and drop it into the apposite area (6).


Recovery mode

The recovery mode of a previously activated license can be both online and offline.

  • In online mode LogicLab will try to contact Axel servers to check if the current target has a known and previously registered unique hardware id. If a match is found, Axel servers will return the old key.
  • In offline mode a special activation file is exported for the recovery of an old license. This file has to be be sent and then activated in the manner described above.

Manual mode

AxelRTLicense can be also used to manually activate licenses via user login or product key. Each available function is documented by launching the executable without parameters in a prompt.

Here is some usage examples:

  • To activate a product trough product key you can use this command: axelrtlicense.exe -register IP_ADDRESS:PORT PRODUCT_NAME PRODUCT_KEY, for example:
axelrtlicense.exe -register LLExec ABCDE-12345-FGHIL-67890
  • To activate a product trough login you can use this command: axelrtlicense.exe -register IP_ADDRESS:PORT PRODUCT_NAME USER PASSWORD, for example:
axelrtlicense.exe -register LLExec foo bar
  • If you have a license key and want to write it directly, use: axelrtlicense.exe -writelicense COMMSTRING PRODUCT_NAME YOUR_LICENSE_KEY, for example:
axelrtlicense.exe -writelicense GDB:0,1000#TCPIP: LLExec 123456789
  • If you have an embedded target with apposite license parameters defined in the firmware, you can use axelrtlicense.exe -writelicense COMMSTRING PRODUCT_NAME YOUR_LICENSE_KEY -ipalist LLIPA_LICENSESTATUS, LLIPA_HARDWAREID, LLIPA_WRITELICENSE, for example:
axelrtlicense.exe -writelicense GDB:0,1000#TCPIP: LLExec 123456789 -ipalist 65157,65158,65159

The tool will return the command result.