LLC Command line compiler

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LLC command line parameters

LLC command line parameters can be displayed by simply type LLC <ENTER> into a DOS command prompt.

The following output will be emitted:

llc.exe - PLC Compiler v3.16.0.3 - Copyright ® 2000-2013 Axel

Command line:

Usage : llc <prj> <flag> [{<flag>}] [/Q]

        prj:     Project file (*.plcprj,*.ppjs,*.ppjx,*.rsm)
        flags:   compiler options

Compiler options:

/D              - Download compiled project
                  (if not already compiled will compile it)
/C              - Compile the project (trying to connect)
/c              - Compile the project without connecting
/A              - Rebuild and download the project
/GC[:<file>]    - Generate C headers in the destination file.
                  (default 'Default.h')
/GT[:<file>]    - Generate the target variable track file.
                  (default 'Default.osc')
/GG[:<file>]    - Generate the global variable track file.
                  (default 'Default.osc')
/F:<comm>       - Force the communication properties
/T:<target>     - Force the target board type
                  (used to download code without opening the project)
/DR             - Perform download acknowledge request
/R              - Rebuild the project (trying to connect)
/r              - Rebuild the project without connecting
/FU             - Perform download without checking for updated source status
/Q              - Append the output to the destination file.
                  (valid only with /GT e /GG flags)
/M[:file[,pwd]] - Generate redistributable source file.
/cfg:<file>     - Use additional configuration file
/tgsx:<file>    - Generate TGSX target definition file for simulator
/NORELOADPLC    - Do not reload PLC after download
/U[:file[,pwd]] - Decode RSM file and save as indicated in file parameter
/x              - If specified llc does not upload image file for target or get download address from target
/WRU            - Verify target identity
/uP:<procname>  - Force target processor
                  (used in combination with /WRU and /T to verify target identity without opening the project)
/b[:path[,name]] - Generate target binaries (bin, tsc, tds) files.
                  Optional absolute or relative path and name can be specified (Default: relative folder "Download", name: project name)
/SAVEAS:<file>  - Save project with different folder and name, changing project format if necessary
/PERC           - Print progress percentage while downloading.

Note: the flags are case-sensitive

LLC return codes

The following table lists all the LLC return codes. Return code 0 (LLC_NO_ERR) means that the program executed correctly (no errors).

Value Name Description
0 LLC_NO_ERR Command completed with no errors
1 LLC_OPEN_PRJ_ERR Unable to open the specified project/module
2 LLC_COMPILE_PRJ_ERR Error during compilation, see detailed error log
3 LLC_CONNECTION_PRJ_ERR Unable to connect with the target system (wrong connection parameters, target offline etc.)
4 LLC_DOWNLOAD_PRJ_ERR Error during download (target system refused the download, target switched off,
5 LLC_HEAD_CREATE_ERR Error during ANSI C header file (.h) creation process
7 LLC_LINECMD_ERR Error in the command line parameters
8 LLC_DOWNLOAD_REQ_ERR The target system rejected the download (i.e. it's in ana operative state that doesn't allow to reset)
9 LLC_SAVE_PRJ_ERR Error saving the source module (only for /SAVEAS: option)
10 LLC_OPEN_PRJ_PSW_ERR Password match error (when opening encrypted modules)
11 LLC_TARGET_NOT_VERIFIED Target system identifiers do non match with source module identifiers