Raspberry Pi OSADL EtherCat
Following these instructions, you can turn your Raspberry PI 3 or newer into a complete IEC-61131 PLC with EtherCAT support, The Ethernet Port will be turned into an EtherCAT port while connectivity with Logic Lab can be done via Wifi.
The kernel included with this version is patched with PREEMPT RT (OSADL) to provide realtime performances. PLC Runtime is specifically tuned for this Kernel. Ethercat will be comprehensive of DC (Distributed Clock) functionalities due to the realtime characteristic of OSADL Kernel.
Hardware Setup
For the EtherCAT version of the runtime only Raspberry PI 3 with WiFi is supported. Also the runtime is available only via a prebuilt SD card image. It requires an SD or uSD at least 8GB.
Program a SD or uSD card with a full Raspbian image, already configured to run LLExec PLC runtime
The image is used to program an SD card, containing:
- the Raspbian distribution
- the LLExec PLC runtime with Wifi enabled and EtherCAT.
Download image
You can download the image following the instructions on the page
Once downloaded the image, you need to convert it in the OSDAL image:
log in the Raspberry,with user=pi and password=axel, then acquire root privileges:
sudo -s
as root, from the directory /data/plc lauch one of the scripts:
or the script
it depends on your Raspberry PI model.
The Raspberry PI will reboot with all the configuration already set.
Configure the Wifi
Please mount the SD on a Linux PC, or boot the Raspberry PI with monitor and keyboard. Modify the file /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf as required by your wireless network.
Login into the system
Login as user pi, password axel
Demo mode and licensing
The LLExec runtime will run in demo-mode: this means that is fully operational for 30 minutes.
After this time is expired, is required to reboot the Raspberry PI.
To obtain a full license you can ask for:
- Free licenses that will be offered ONLY after presenting a detailed description of the purpose of the license.If you need it for educational purpose please introduce you, your school and your class project including teacher references.
PLEASE NOTE: any incomplete request will be denied. - Commercial license: please ask for a quotation.
In any case specify that EtherCAT OSADL License is required
To request a license you need first to retrieve your HardwareID. On LogicLab switch to the tab "Resources", then click on the root node "Raspberry PI".
This will open a window,
if the device is connected, you will see "Status: Not licensed".
Please click '"Read"' on HardwareID field,
then sent that string to support@axelsw.it.
Please note that license keys for this RaspberryPi OSADL version are different from previous standard (not RT) RaspberryPI license keys.
More informations
For more information you can consult the online manual, or follow our tutorials available in the news section of the website or on YouTube by following the link below:
In case of troubles: save a Log File
In the case of any trouble, you can save the log file, this file can be sent to support@axelsw.it Steps:
- login into the Raspberry PI
- acquire root priviledges
sudo -s
- go to directory /data/plc
- launch ./AlTracePrint LLExec
- press s
- insert the preferred filename
- then press q to quit AlTracePrint
- send us the log file you saved
For any technical issue please send an email support@axelsw.it